Education is an important component of efforts to mitigate antibiotic resistance.
This page collects freely available education and training materials on topics related to antibiotic use and resistance. Resources include curricula, online courses, training manuals, and teaching modules targeted towards the public, health professionals and animal health professionals.
The educational materials have been divided into the following tables:
- School children, teachers and the community
- Food production
- Infection prevention and control (human)
- Educating providers
- Rational use/Stewardship in health care (human)
- General open online courses
Selected Resources
School children, teachers and the community
Resource | Description |
Tackling AMR in Schools – Facilitator pack, resource pack, and playing cards | Educational materials. Facilitation manual designed for teachers, educators, facilitators, and students to learn at their own pace and plan their AMR education sessions. |
Alforja Educativa Educational knapsack: School Health and Microbial world (24,4MB) | Educational materials. The Alforja is an educational program developed in Ecuador intended for teaching school children (age 9-10 years) about the microbial world, proper use of antibiotics and bacterial resistance from an ecosystems perspective. This English version collects all Alforja activity guides, with fun and inspirational exercises for children. Original Spanish Alforja materials can be found here. |
Journey of an Antibiotic | Educational materials. Illustrated and interactive book chapters that traces the journey of an antibiotic from the research lab through manufacturing and marketing, to different points of consumption. It is an attempt to provide a 360-degree view of antibiotics in all its diverse aspects to enable the audience to grasp the complex set of factors that need to be addressed to keep these crucial medicines working. A PDF version can be found here (11,1MB). |
e-Bug | Educational platform for teachers and children with free educational resources for teaching about micro-organisms, the spread, prevention and treatment of infection. The MOOC e-Bug Health Educator Training is aimed at educators who wants to optimize the use of the e-Bug resources when teaching children about these topics (open from time to time). |
Do bugs need drugs? | Educational platform. A Canadian community program for wise use of antibiotics with educational resources aimed at community members of different ages (curricula, tutorials, hand washing videos, games, comic books, colouring sheets and iPhone / iPad Apps). |
Micro-combat App | Game. Card game app where you work as a team (of doctors, researchers and health personnel) to prevent the population from getting ill from pathogens that run through the city. To your help you have different preventative measures and medications. Available in 19 languages. |
Antibiotic Resistance Game | Game. An online game that invites students to explore the concept of antibiotic resistance by defeating multiplying bacteria with doses of antibiotics. Through play, students discover how bacterial reproduction creates mutations that provides resistance to antibiotics. |
‘Drugs Vs Bugs’: An Antimicrobial Resistance Board Game | Game. A board game where players take the role of a team of doctors treating patients infected by bacteria and viruses. However, players have to be smart on how they use antibiotics, as the bacteria become more and more resistant as the game advance. Through the game, players learn about AMR, how it arises and spreads to the general public, as well as how to prevent the spread of diseases (for instance through handwashing). The game is translated into both English and Thai and accessible as a free ‘Print’n’Play’ resource, here. The main version of the game is well suited for older students, but there is a simplified version for younger audiences. |
The Practice and Ethics of Participatory Visual Methods for Community Engagement in Public Health and Health Science | Online course (6-8 hours in total) on the practice and ethics of participatory visual methods for community and public engagement in health and health science. Emphasis on their use in low and middle-income countries. |
Antibiotic Armageddon | Film. Anime short film (4:30min) that aims to raise awareness and understanding of antibiotic resistance among young people. |
Food production
Resource | Description |
Pig management: Ensuring appropriate husbandry practices for profitability -Uganda smallholder pig value chain capacity development training manual | Training manual that outlines the training of smallholder farmers to improve biosecurity and practices in their farms to prevent infectious diseases and thus the need for use of veterinary drugs. Describes training sessions and includes exercises and handouts. |
Five keys to growing safer fruits and vegetables: promoting health by decreasing microbial contamination | Training manual on how to grow safer crops, which has been developed to support food safety education of rural workers, by the World Health Organization (WHO). Also available in Arabic, Croatian, Khmer, Portuguese and Russian. |
Antimicrobial Resistance Learning Site for Veterinarians | Educational materials. Teaching modules on antimicrobial resistance designed for integration into existing veterinary school courses. The modules can also be used as stand-alone resources for continuing education for veterinarians, industry professionals or animal scientists. |
Veterinary and Veterinary Paraprofessionals Education | Manuals to support veterinary educational establishments and veterinary paraprofessional training institutions in developing curricula focusing on enhancing students´ competencies in animal and zoonotic disease control and food safety areas. |
Effective Livestock Production with Low Use of Antibiotics | Online course. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for livestock keepers and professionals in the livestock production sector in low-income countries. Learn how basic disease prevention and rational use of antibiotics can sustain or even increase the livestock production and limit the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Open from time to time. |
Antimicrobial Resistance in the Food Chain | Online course. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on antimicrobial resistance in the food chain. The course provides information on what antibiotics are, how they work and how resistance develops. It deals with antibiotic use both in health care and in farming and explains how antibiotics contaminate the environment. Open from time to time. |
Infection prevention and control (human)
Resource | Description |
Global Handwashing Partnership: Webinars & Modules | Educational materials. Modules on how to design, implement, and measure handwashing programs, with a focus on behavioral change. |
Infection Prevention and Control Course Series | Information portal linking to a number of self-paced and free courses developed by the WHO. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) core components and multimodal strategies takes about one hour and describes how IPC can decrease harm from health care-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance. Provides guidance to development and implementation of IPC programmes in health care facilities. Other example courses include a short course in Basic microbiology, Standard precautions: hand hygiene (available in multiple languages) and Leadership and programme management in Infection Prevention and Control. |
Infection Prevention and Control Training Package | Training materials. Course modules that covers topics relevant to IPC in health care facilities, such as essential components of effective IPC programs, implementation and policy development. Developed in collaboration between the WHO, the CDC, and the University of Washington. |
Project Firstline resources | Educational materials from CDC that help frontline healthcare workers understand and confidently apply infection control principles. It includes infographics and social media assets to interactive resources and training toolkits. |
WHO Hand hygiene training tools | Educational materials from WHO for training on hand hygiene such as:
IPC training: leadership and programme management in infection prevention and control module – trainer guide | Training material developed by the WHO intended for IPC focal points and programme managers, for use in face-to-face meetings. See also accompanying presentation. There is also an online course that can be taken upon registration. |
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide Multi-professional Edition | Training manual aimed at health care educators and students, from WHO. It contains ready-to-teach, patient safety programmes that can be used as a whole or on a per topic basis. Topic 9 in part B: Infection Prevention and Control focuses on the prevention of health care associated infections. Available in Chinese, Czech, English, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish. |
Infection Prevention and Control: A guide for health professionals in low-resource settings | Educational materials. Free online e-book for training in infection prevention and control in resource-limited settings. See “Read now”. |
Injection safety tools and resources | Information portal with educational materials. Information about injection safety from WHO – Includes guidelines and implementation tools, as well as education and training tools for safe injection practices such as a trainer guide and educational videos for health care workers and patients. |
Partnering to Heal | Online course. Computer-based, video-simulation program on infection control practices for health professionals, students, and patient advocates (can be used as facilitated training sessions or by individuals as a self-paced learning tool). The focus is on effective communication about infection control practices and ideas for creating a “culture of safety” in healthcare institutions to keep patients safe. Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. |
Educating providers
Resource | Description |
WHO Competency Framework for Health Workers’ Education and Training on Antimicrobial Resistance | Framework from WHO that outlines core and additional competencies for health workers in regards to antimicrobial resistance, and is a reference guide for academic institutions, educators, accreditation bodies, regulatory agencies and health policy- and decision-making authorities. The purpose is to guide the education and training of health workers. |
Health workers’ education and training on antimicrobial resistance: curricula guide | Framework for AMR education of health professionals. Developed by the WHO and Public Health England. Includes curricula for education of prescribers, nurses/midwives, pharmacists, laboratory scientists, public health officers/health services managers and health workers in supportive care roles. |
ECDC Virtual Academy | Educational platform. Online learning platform that provides e-courses and training materials (such as simulation exercises) for public health professionals on a variety of topics including antibiotic resistance. Examples include: “table-top exercise on exploring response to the emergence of pan-drug resistant bacteria in a healthcare setting“ |
ISAC Academy | Educational platform that contains a large range of free e-learning materials from The International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC) and partner societies. It includes a collection of online courses and e-modules focused on Antimicrobial Resistance, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Infection Prevention & Control, and Antibiotic prescription in humans and animals. |
RADAAR Bi-Regional (Africa & Asia) AMR Policy Workshop | Workshop organized by the RADAAR Project Consortium. It aims to highlight actions that countries can take to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and covers various key topics including: One Health analysis; approaches to AMR economic analyses; integrated surveillance systems; policy implications and translation of AMR data into policy briefs. Some policy webinars can be found here. |
Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum for Medical Students | Educational materials. Curriculum created for U.S. medical students by Wake Forest School of Medicine in collaboration with the CDC and AAMC to increase understanding of antibiotic resistance and how to prevent and control it. Comprised of didactic lectures with facilitator notes and audio recordings, and small group activities with facilitator guides. |
Understanding and Responding to Pharmaceutical Promotion: A Practical Guide | Training manual by WHO and HAI intended to assist teachers and health care professionals in teaching medical and pharmacy students about pharmaceutical promotion, and how to cope with pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. |
How to educate prescribers in antimicrobial stewardship practices | Journal article that describes the needs for education on stewardship. Professional curricula should include principles of microbiology, infectious diseases and clinical pharmacology, with emphasis on the principles of prudent prescribing. |
Strengthening Pre-service Pharmacy Training on Rational Medicine Use and Antimicrobial Resistance | Report that describes the innovative design of the rational medicine use and antibiotic resistance theme within the Pharmacy Practice Curriculum, illustrates the more engaged teaching-learning experience and provides concrete materials developed for this purpose. |
How to change practice: Understand, identify and overcome barriers to change | Manual giving practical advice on how to encourage healthcare professionals to change their practice in line with the latest guidance, provided by the AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program. |
Knowledge Portal on Innovation and Access to Medicines | Information portal. Open access knowledge hub from the Graduate Institute, with information, analysis and research synthesis on policies relating to innovation and access to pharmaceuticals. Presents materials under 3 overarching themes: Pricing, Intellectual Property and Innovation. Provides for example online webinars by leading medicines policy researchers. |
Rational use/stewardship (human)
Resource | Description |
Antimicrobial Stewardship: A competency-based approach | Online course. Self-paced, 8 hour course on OpenWHO. Uses case-based examples to highlight how antimicrobial stewardship principles can be applied to common clinical scenarios. Course divided into 14 modules: Module A-E covers foundational clinical knowledge necessary to use antimicrobials wisely, and module F-N how clinicians can incorporate this knowledge in their management of patients with common infections such as urinary tract infections and bloodstream infections. |
Training package on integrated antimicrobial stewardship activities | Online training package by WHO to facilitate the implementation of integrated antimicrobial stewardship activities at national, sub-national, and healthcare facility levels in LMICs. It consists of two complementary courses:
Course 1 provides training on the WHO Policy Guidance on Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities. Course 2 focuses on the WHO practical toolkit for antimicrobial stewardship programs in health-care facilities in LMICs. |
The South-East Asia Region Antimicrobial Stewardship 2022 Webinar Series | Webinar series organized by WHO to provide in-depth training on the development and implementation of comprehensive antimicrobial stewardship programs at national and healthcare facility levels in low-and-middle income countries. |
Antimicrobial Stewardship: From Principles to Practice | Educational materials. Comprehensive eBook from the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) that covers for example (register for free access):
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance | Online course. Massive open online course (MOOC) on antimicrobial stewardship developed by the University of Dundee and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy BSAC, UK. Available in English, Mandarin, Spanish, and Russian. More info and course evaluation has been published. |
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Improving Clinical Outcomes by Optimization of Antibiotic Practices | Online course. Video-based course that offers a practical approach to prescribing antibiotic therapy and the development of antimicrobial stewardship to physicians and pharmacists across all specialties and settings. Developed by Stanford University School of Medicine. |
BSAC Infection Learning Hub, open access global learning | Educational platform. A collection of online courses and educational material, focusing on antimicrobial resistance in general and antimicrobial stewardship in particular. Some specific courses for low-resource settings. By British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. |
Antimicrobial resistance and stewardship e-Learning Repository | Information portal from the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) and JAC-AMR. Focuses on antibiotic resistance and antibiotic stewardship. Resources can be filtered based on location of the developers/authors. |
General open online courses
Resource | Description |
Antibiotic Resistance: the Silent Tsunami | Online course. This open online course on antibiotic resistance developed by ReAct and Uppsala University gives an overview on how misuse of antibiotics worldwide have lead to the rapid emergence and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria and how to take action. |
The problem of antibiotic resistance | Online course. Open course consisting of 11 lectures covering antibiotic resistance from basic biology to ethics and law. Includes quizzes after each lecture. Created by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. |
Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome | Online course. A massive open online course (MOOC) giving a tour of the human gut and its microscopic inhabitants developed by the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado System. |
Epidemics – the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases | Online course. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on understanding infectious diseases – what they are, how they spread, and how they can be prevented, including how antibiotic resistance evolves. |
Antimicrobial resistance – theory and methods | Online course. This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides basic definitions and an overview of antimicrobials; their use, the emergence and spread of resistance including how bacteria become resistant and mechanisms of action. It covers methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) and detection of specific resistance in the microbiological laboratories. It also shows how to use genomic analysis tools to detect resistance genes. |
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