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ReAct Africa Youth Impact Report: Mobilizing young people for stronger action on antimicrobial resistance

The ReAct Africa Youth Report, compiled by ReAct Africa with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), evaluates the effectiveness of ReAct Africa’s youth initiatives in addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in sub-Saharan Africa.

New ReAct Report: Community engagement and AMR: Insights from the Asia Pacific Region

As the world grapples with complex health issues like antimicrobial resistance (AMR), there’s growing recognition that top-down approaches alone are insufficient.

A new report by ReAct Asia Pacific highlights the critical role of community engagement in addressing these challenges, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The report is based on a preliminary desktop review of selected literature and interviews with civil society organizations and researchers working on community engagement in health and antimicrobial resistance.

Report: Impactful approaches for community-wide engagement on antibiotic resistance

In the fall of 2023, ReAct, Uppsala Antibiotic Center and Antibiotic Smart Sweden initiated a webinar and workshop series for promoting a systematic and meaningful engagement of communities and civil society groups as key stakeholders in the global response to antibiotic resistance. Now the collaboration releases a summary report from the initiative this far.

Case study

Handbook for Antibiotic Smart Communities Framework

Learn more about, and download, the data collection handbook for an “Antibiotic Smart Communities” indicator framework, developed by ReAct Asia Pacific. It aims to help measure the “antibiotic smartness” of communities in tackling antimicrobial resistance.


ReAct Africa & South Centre Conference Report 2023

The hybrid ReAct Africa & South Centre Conference held in August 2023 had an attendance of 156 physical participants from 38 countries, and totally reflecting registrations from 67 countries worldwide. The theme for the 3-day conference was:  “Leave No One Behind: Advancing One Health Antimicrobial Resistance National Action Plans Implementation in Africa”.

During World AMR Awareness Week ReAct Africa and South Centre released the report from the conference held in Lusaka, Zambia.

ReAct's Impact Report 2023!

In 2023, ReAct made significant strides in advancing the fight against antibiotic resistance. We are proud to share ReAct annual impact report for work carried out in 2023. ReAct has grown into a dynamic network, intensifying our efforts to act stronger on antibiotic resistance on global, regional, and national scales.

The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action

The Uppsala Dialogue Meeting “The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action” from May 2023 deliberated on the needs for a common vision and was an early step to propose key components and steps to make the next AMR UN High-level Meeting in September 2024 successful.

The meeting days resulted in the ReAct Report: Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action.


ReAct's Impact Report 2019-2022!

Despite being a period marked by the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, over the last four years, clear progress has been made in global efforts to address antibiotic resistance. During 2019-2022 ReAct evolved as a network and increased its efforts to act on antibiotic resistance at a global, regional and country level. Together, the five ReAct nodes have collaborated – from community level to the highest global political agenda.


ReAct Europe Report: Ensuring sustainable access to effective antibiotics for everyone, everywhere – How to address the global crisis in antibiotic Research and Development

The ReAct Europe report “Ensuring sustainable access to effective antibiotics for everyone, everywhere – How to address the global crisis in antibiotic Research and Development” includes a comprehensive summary and critical evaluation of recent initiatives to overcome the barriers to achieve sustainable access to antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance will continue to develop as long as we  depend on these medicines to treat bacterial infections, a continuous supply of new effective antibiotics is needed.

ReAct Report: Treatment of newborn sepsis is threatened – effective antibiotics essential

ReAct conducted a web-based survey in 2020 aiming to understand the awareness, availability of guidelines, general practice and potential challenges physicians face around neonatal sepsis and antimicrobial resistance. Over 400 responses from 74 countries were received. Report in English and Spanish.

ReAct Report: antibiotic resistance affects men and women differently

Sex and gender is important to consider in enhancing the understanding of the ‘human face’ of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use, and how it affects a variety of people in different ways throughout their daily lives. ReAct now issues a report that explores the ways in which sex and gender interact with antibiotic resistance and makes the case for all actors engaged in addressing antibiotic resistance to undertake further work in this area.

Engaging secondary level hospitals in India for antibiotic stewardship: Approach and reflections.

In the absence of a robust primary healthcare system, secondary level hospitals often serve as the most important healthcare provider for the rural population.

Engaging secondary level hospitals in India for antibiotic stewardship: Approach and reflections.


Learning from bedaquiline in South Africa – comprehensive health systems for new antibiotics

A key component of delivering new antibiotics to market is ensuring that they are used appropriately. To learn how this can be done, ReAct looked into how bedaquiline, a new anti-tuberculosis drug was introduced in South Africa.

Learning from Experiences: Introducing Bedaquiline in South Africa.


When the Drugs Don’t Work - Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Development Problem

This report by ReAct and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation looks at the state of global development when the drugs don’t work and a post-antibiotic era sets in. The report shows how antibiotic resistance is a global development problem by highlighting existing data and people’s experiences.

Meeting report - A planetary threat but a financing orphan

How should needed work on antimicrobial resistance be funded? Read meeting report from workshop with experts on antimicrobial resistance and global health. There is currently no ‘go-to-place’ for funding the implementation of National Action Plans on AMR and this is a serious concern.The report is prepared by ReAct and the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation. Read full report: Antimicrobial Resistance and sustainable development: A planetary threat but a financing orphan (PDF).

Antimicrobial use in food-animal production - problems, solutions, challenges

While a significant role in the spread of antibiotic resistance has been observed by the growing use of antimicrobials in the human health sector, in recent years there has been recognition of the problems arising from even greater use of these drugs in food-animal production.

Antimicrobial use in food-animal production. Problems, solutions, challenges (PDF, 800 kB).

A report series on antimicrobial resistance in food animal production in South East Asia

The antibiotic resistance problem in South East Asia is compounded by the rapidly rising use of antibiotic in the region as the population grapples with a very high burden of infectious diseases. Antibiotic resistance is also emerging as an important concern in the food-animal farming sector.


An overview of antimicrobial resistance in Food Animal Production in India (56 pages, 1.1 MB).

An overview of antibiotic use in food Animals in India, light version, (35 pages, 1.3 MB).


An overview of antibiotic use in Food Animals in Indonesia (35 pages, 2.8 MB).


An overview of antibiotic use in Food Animals in Malaysia (33 pages, 3.7 MB). 


An overview of antimicrobial resistance in Food Animal Production in Thailand (56 pages, 1,1 MB).

An overview of antibiotic use in food Animals in Thailand, light version, (35 pages, 1.2 MB).

A Framework for Costing the Lowering of Antimicrobial Use in Food Animal Production

This commissioned paper for UK Review on AMR co-authored by ReAct provides an overview of the published literature on costs associated with lowering antimicrobial use in food animal production and of switching to alternative modes of production across livestock sectors and countries. A Framework for Costing the Lowering of Antimicrobial Use in Food Animal Production (PDF).

Antimicrobial Resistance - A threat to the world's sustainable development

New ReAct publication that describes how AMR threatens the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Report in collaboration with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on the role of antimicrobial resistance for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Antimicrobial Resistance – A threat to the world’s sustainable development (4 MB, PDF).

Antimicrobial Resistance – A threat to the world’s sustainable development, fully referenced version (4 MB, PDF).

Antimicrobial resistance - Stakeholder Mapping by ReAct

An overview of current agencies, initiatives and organisations active in key policy areas in the field of antimicrobial resistance conducted in early 2016. ReAct’s AMR Stakeholder Mapping (PDF).

Reimagine Resistance

The human body and the microbial world are closely interlinked. Additionally, the role of medicines and attitude-change are important aspects to consider when facing current and future problems within the field of antibiotic resistance.
Reimagine Resistance (PDF, 21MB).

Microbes and metaphors

What is the relation of the human species with the microbial world? What is the long term evolutionary role of microbes on our planet? When and how did ‘pathogenic’ bacteria first emerge? These are all questions that should be asked in the crisis the world of medicine is now facing.
Microbes and Metaphors: A dialogue between scientists, artists and activists (PDF, 11MB).

Materiales españoles


Para más materiales en español - visite ReAct Latinoamérica

Para más materiales en español – visite ReAct Latinoamérica.


Uso Apropriado De Antibióticos y Resistencia Bacteriana

Uso Apropriado De Antibióticos y Resistencia Bacteriana busca proporcionar a los trabajadores de la salud la información científica más actualizada sobre enfermedades infecciosas, uso de antibióticos y resistencia a los antimicrobianos desde una perspectiva social y ecológica.

Uso Apropriado De Antibióticos y Resistencia Bacteriana (PDF, 4 MB).


Reimaginado la Resistencia - Ampliando y embelleciendo el mosaico

Los paradigmas, aquellas estructuras de la conciencia y el conoci- miento que suelen estar invisibilizadas, pero que rigen la conducta humana, se derrumban cuando se reúnen suficientes evidencias que los contradicen y socavan sus postulados centrales.
Reimaginado la Resistancia (PDF, 8MB).

“Ampliando y embelleciendo el mosaico” es de la serie Reimaginado la Resistancia.

Es un nuevo esfuerzo para continuar diversificando las reflexiones y las voces para estimular la resistencia de manera colectiva e integral.

Ampliando y embelleciendo el mosaico (PDF, 20 MB).


Handbook for Antibiotic Smart Communities Framework

Learn more about, and download, the data collection handbook for an “Antibiotic Smart Communities” indicator framework, developed by ReAct Asia Pacific. It aims to help measure the “antibiotic smartness” of communities in tackling antimicrobial resistance.



La resistencia bacteriana a los antibióticos efectos sobre los microecosistemas son de conse- cuencias aún impredecibles. FotoResistencia es un proyecto de fotografía do- cumental sobre la resistencia a los antibióticos desarrollado en el primer nivel del sistema de salud de Ecuador.
FotoResistencia (PDF, 7MB).
FotoResistencia II (PDF, 10MB).

Un mundo libre del miedo a las infecciones intratables

La resistencia bacteriana, disparada por el mal uso y el abuso de antibióticos, no solo que incrementa las estadísticas de morbilidad, mortalidad y costos sanitarios en el mundo, sino que amenaza con derrumbar los sistemas médicos modernos y acerca la posibilidad de una era post-antibiótica
para la humanidad.
Un mundo libre del miedo a las infecciones intratables (PDF, 8MB).