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Policy Brief

ReAct Policy Brief: Sustainable antibiotic production

The increasing global crisis of antibiotic resistance demands urgent and multi-faceted solutions, yet a less recognised driver of resistance is pollution from antibiotic production. Waste from manufacturing sites can create hotspots of resistance, disproportionately affecting low- and middle-income countries. This policy brief addresses the intersection of environmental pollution, antibiotic resistance, and equitable access to antibiotics, offering practical recommendations for systemic change.

Position paper

Experts launch comprehensive plan to address antimicrobial resistance in Latin America

Leading health experts and environmental advocates have united to address one of the most pressing global health challenges: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). In a groundbreaking webinar, the Instituto de Defensa de Consumidores (IDEC), Brazil and ReAct Latin America presented a new policy brief outlining strategic recommendations to address this growing global health challenge.


Tackling disparities in global AMR representation

As the year ends, it’s time to reflect on the outcomes of the September 2024 UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in New York. While the Political Declaration advanced the agenda, the From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW! event highlighted structural inequities in representation, especially for low- and middle-income countries. In response, ReAct Africa and MUSUHUM’s new survey and policy brief call for urgent action to center these countries’ voices in the global AMR response.

Briefing note

New ReAct Brief: Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest & most urgent cross-border health crises of our time – but still not addressed as such!

New ReAct briefing note out ahead of the UN General Assembly High-Level meeting on AMR in September, 2024.


ReAct input

The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action

The Uppsala Dialogue Meeting “The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action” from May 2023 deliberated on the needs for a common vision and was an early step to propose key components and steps to make the next AMR UN High-level Meeting in September 2024 successful.

The meeting days resulted in the ReAct Report: Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action.

Policy response

New ReAct Expert Policy Brief: 5 key challenges and public not-for-profit solutions in early stages antibiotics R&D

End 2022, ReAct Europe initiated the project REMAAP (Revisiting Effective Models to Advance the Antibiotic Pipeline) to find ways how to best reinvigorate the antibiotic pipeline with a public health interest in focus. Now the REMAAP initiative is publishing a new Expert Policy Brief: Identifying key bottlenecks in the early stages of antibiotic R&D and exploring public and not-for-profit solutions. In this article you find the brief and five takeaways from a two-day expert workshop held 7-8 November 2022, including suggested ways forward.

Policy response

New ReAct Europe and EPHA position paper on EU incentives for new antibiotics development

In a joint publication, ReAct Europe and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) express concerns as only a limited number of options for introducing incentives have been considered during the European Commission targeted consultations. The position paper includes 10 reasons why a TEE is not efficient for advancing antibiotic development.


Public hearings: elements to be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness & response

On 12-13 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a first round of public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response.

The guiding question of  “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?” was explored through spoken and written input from the public.


Policy brief on WHO GAP AMR: 8 pillars of action to address global solutions to AMR

A recently published Antibiotic Resistance Coalition Policy briefing finds WHO Global Action Plan on AMR at crossroads and calls for attention to Comprehensive Review. This briefing is released at a pivotal moment for the World Health Organization to take stock of its progress on the Global Action Plan on AMR.


EU consultation - input from ReAct

March 23, 2022, ReAct Europe responded to the European Comission’s call for evidence for initiatives on antimicrobial resistance to be included in European Council recommendations on greater actions on antimicrobial resistance expected by the end of 2022. Among the points raised by ReAct were for the EU to take greater leadership and responsibility to revitialize antibiotic research and development (R&D) through an end-to-end approach from discovery to distribution, and introduce new incentives and approaches that fully delink the financing and cost of R&D from volume based sales revenues, while ensuring affordable access and rational use.

EU consultation – input from ReAct (PDF)


Input to new Swedish strategy for sustainable global social development

In 2022 the Swedish government is developing a new Swedish strategy for sustainable global social development for 2023 – 2027. ReAct has submitted input to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) process, highlighting antibiotic resistance as a cross cutting systems issue for sustainable development, equity and planetary health. We also raised Sweden’s critical role in addressing the global challenge of antibiotic resistance as well as proposed several concrete actions and suggestions on how to  with antibiotic resistance could be included into the new strategy.

ReAct’s input to the Swedish strategy for sustainable global social development – 2023-27 (PDF)


The High-Level One Health Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance/French Presidency of the Council of the EU 

ReAct participated at the One Health Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance was held on 7 March 2022 in Paris, as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Ahead of the conference we shared ReActs Key Messages on what EU’s role and responsibilities should be in the global antibiotic resistance work.

ReAct Key Messages for he High-Level One Health Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance/French Presidency of the Council of the EU (PDF)

Policy Brief

Lancet Global Health article release: Resetting the agenda for antibiotic resistance

Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic can help mobilize urgent global action to address the silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance affecting countries throughout the world.

Antibiotics are critical components of all health systems. In an article published online in The Lancet Global Health June 15, authors from the senior leadership of ReAct, argue that a health system approach nationally and globally is critical to mitigate the devastating consequences of antibiotic resistance.

Policy Brief

Two ReAct policy briefs before WHA74

In the article we list our main takeaways from the World Health Assembly WHA74 debates relevant for antimicrobial resistance, access to medicines and vaccines, and pandemic preparedness and response. The article also include two policy briefs from ReAct: 1, briefing to 148th WHO Executive Board in January 2021 2, WHA Briefing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and antibiotic resistance

Policy brief

ReAct Report: Ensuring sustainable access to effective antibiotics for everyone, everywhere – How to address the global crisis in antibiotic Research and Development

The ReAct Europe report “Ensuring sustainable access to effective antibiotics for everyone, everywhere – How to address the global crisis in antibiotic Research and Development” includes a comprehensive summary and critical evaluation of recent initiatives to overcome the barriers to achieve sustainable access to antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance will continue to develop as long as we  depend on these medicines to treat bacterial infections, a continuous supply of new effective antibiotics is needed.

Policy brief

ReAct input to the WHO Executive Board Session on Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance was back on the agenda when the 148th WHO Executive Board which took place from January 18-26, 2021. A number of ReAct’s nodes developed position documents for Member State delegates and the WHO to consider in response to the stock taking report produced by the WHO secretariat.

Policy brief

New ReAct Policy Brief: Successful cancer treatment relies on effective antibiotics

Antibiotics are instrumental for patients undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, and have paved the way for modern cancer care. Cancer patients often need antibiotics multiple times during the course of cancer treatment, which is why antibiotic resistance is seriously threatening patient outcomes. In ReAct’s new policy brief, you will learn more about the links connecting effective antibiotics and cancer care, and why urgent action on antibiotic resistance therefore is needed.

Policy brief

The 2020 AMR Benchmark Report – concerning findings with questionable framing

A new AMR Benchmark report was released during the annual World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020. This was the second report since the Access To Medicines Index Foundation started their engagement in the field of antimicrobial resistance in 2016. While this new AMR Benchmark uncovers some truly concerning facts on company behavior, these findings are often not framed in a way that makes their significance clear. In this brief ReAct assessment tries to put these findings in context and comments on the AMR Benchmark’s approach.

Policy brief

New ReAct Expert Policy Brief: 5 key challenges and public not-for-profit solutions in early stages antibiotics R&D

End 2022, ReAct Europe initiated the project REMAAP (Revisiting Effective Models to Advance the Antibiotic Pipeline) to find ways how to best reinvigorate the antibiotic pipeline with a public health interest in focus. Now the REMAAP initiative is publishing a new Expert Policy Brief: Identifying key bottlenecks in the early stages of antibiotic R&D and exploring public and not-for-profit solutions. In this article you find the brief and five takeaways from a two-day expert workshop held 7-8 November 2022, including suggested ways forward.

Policy brief

We need public health principles for sustainable access to novel antibiotics – Policy brief by ReAct

Over the last five years, numerous investments have emerged to address the lack of novel antibiotics that are urgently needed to address drug-resistant infections.

ReAct has welcomed these efforts to address this market failure. Yet we are concerned that these efforts may not achieve the desired outcome of creating a sustainable new approach to antibiotic research and development.

Policy brief

Antimicrobial resistance and universal health coverage – What’s the deal?

The policy brief shows why antimicrobial resistance seriously threatens achieving universal health coverage, but also how their respective policies go hand in hand.

Policy brief

Three political actions needed on antimicrobial resistance in 2019

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified Antimicrobial Resistance as a top ten priority global health threat for 2019. Three years after the Political Declaration on Antimicrobial Resistance was adopted by all Member States in 2016, we are now at a critical point in time to shape the world’s response to the issue. For 2019, political action must be stepped up. We urge countries to take up the work on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as a top priority, and would like to see the following happen.

Policy brief

7 high-level standpoints from ReAct on the IACG draft recommendations

The IACG on AMR released the draft recommendations for public discussion from 29 January to 19 February. This marks the final round of stakeholder input collection before the recommendations are finalized for submission to the UN Secretary General by April 2019. The process towards the UN General Assembly will greatly determine the strategic directions of global response to antimicrobial resistance.

ReAct has developed our main opinions on the draft recommendations and also joined the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) discussions for collective civil society response. Download the full ReAct response to the IACG recommendations.

Policy brief

A planetary threat but a financing orphan

How should needed work on antimicrobial resistance be funded? Meeting report from workshop with experts on antimicrobial resistance and global health. There is currently no ‘go-to-place’ for funding the implementation of National Action Plans on AMR and this is a serious concern.
Antimicrobial resistance and sustainable development: A planetary threat but a financing orphan.

Read article about Sustainable investments in solutions to address antibiotic resistance.

Policy Brief

UNCTAD and WHO focus in on investments for development of new antibiotics

During the World Investment Forum 2018, UNCTAD and WHO jointly organized an event on ‘Fostering investments in the development of new antibacterial treatments.

The event focused on promoting partnerships between funders and developers, where efforts and attention should be focused in the R&D process and how actors such as UNCTAD can bring relevant actors together to devise solutions to the current challenges in antibiotic discovery, research and development.


Six key points from ReAct on the provisional work plan for the Global AMR R&D Hub

The Global AMR R&D Hub, an initiative established under the Germany Presidency of G20, and launched in conjuction with the World Health Assembly in Geneva earlier this year. The aim of the hub, according to their own vision, is “to promote high-level coordination among governments and upstream funders from different world regions, in order to better align national and international efforts in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR).”

Policy brief

Antibiotic Resistance Coalition, including ReAct, responds to IACG discussion papers

During the summer of 2018 the UN Interagency Coordination Group (IACG) released six discussion papers for public consultation to solicit feedback on the work of IACG to inform its future deliberations. Members of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC), including ReAct, convened to discuss and submitted responses to the first set of discussion papers.

Antibiotic Resistance Coalition, including ReAct, responds to the first round of IACG discussion papers.

Antibiotic Resistance Coalition, including ReAct, responds to the second round of IACG discussion papers.

Policy brief

Joint letter to IACG on AMR: a call to increase transparency and civil society involvement

ReAct Africa, ReAct Asia Pacific, ReAct Europe, ReAct Latin America and ReAct North America together with other members and partners of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) has written a joint letter to the UN Inter-Agency Coordination Group (IACG) on Antimicrobial Resistance to call on the group to increase the transparency of, and civil society involvement in, its policy deliberation and meeting process

Policy brief

Interventions by ReAct at the WHO Global Development & Stewardship Consultation 9-10 November 2017

Stewardship & Access Intervention by ReAct during the Global Development & Stewardship Consultation 9-10 November 2017.

Research & Development intervention (PDF).

Stewardship & Access Intervention by ReAct (PDF, 62 KB)

ReAct's policy briefing to the 140th WHO Executive Board

Across multiple provisional agenda items of the 140th session of the WHO Executive Board, antimicrobial resistance plays an important role.

This briefing lays out key evidence, offers guiding principles, and suggests opportunities for policy action to tackle antimicrobial resistance, both directly and through the lens of related issues.

Bridging the gap: a policy briefing for the next steps for tackling AMR (PDF).

Summary – Policy briefing (PDF).

When the Drugs Don’t Work - Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Development Problem

This report by ReAct and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation looks at the state of global development when the drugs don’t work and a post-antibiotic era sets in. The report shows how antibiotic resistance is a global development problem by highlighting existing data and people’s experiences.

Antimicrobial Resistance - A Threat to the World's Sustainable Development

This paper examines how a number of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are impacted by antimicrobial resistance and suggests how to integrate the issue better into ongoing international policy processes using SDGs as an entry point.
Antimicrobial Resistance – A Threat to the World’s Sustainable Development (PDF, 4MB).

Antibiotic Resistance Coalition: Declaration on Antibiotic Resistance

In May 2014, civil society organizations and stakeholders from six continents working in the health, agriculture, consumer and development sectors came together to form the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC). The Antibiotic Resistance Coalition launched the Declaration on Antibiotic Resistance to advocate for policy change and action to prevent the post-antibiotic era from becoming a bleak reality.
Antibiotic Resistance Coalition: Declaration on ABR (PDF).

In Spanish: Declaración sobre resistencia a los antibióticos (PDF) 

The World's Collective Responsibility to Conserve Antibiotic Effectiveness

This policy document introduces ReAct’s vision from 2011 on global responsibility and leadership toward action on antibiotic resistance. It also lays down options to invigorate R&D for new antibiotics while addressing access vs. excess dilemma.
The World’s Collective Responsibility to Conserve Antibiotic Effectiveness (PDF, 1MB).