During World Antibiotic Awareness Week (13-19 November) ReAct Africa, ReAct Asia Pacific and ReAct Latin America arrange a series of activities to raise awareness among general public, media, veterinarians, farmers, policy makers and health care personnel.
There will be launches of the week and of books, medical education at hospitals, participation in TV-shows and radio shows, a photography contest, media workshops and seminars for veterinarian students and poultry farmers. The activities will take place in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Ecuador. See list below and contacts for more information.
ReAct Africa
13 November
Official launch of the World Antibiotic Awareness Week led by the Hon. Deputy Minister for Health in Ghana, Dr.Kingsley Aboagye Gyewu.
15 November
Stakeholder discussion on Preventing antimicrobial resistance – a collective responsibility. With media presence. Open forum to discuss and disseminate responsible use of antimicrobials across all sectors.
16 November
Media Program: Two local radio-stations and one TV station. English – Citi/Joy FM / GBC Radio & Local station – Peace/Adom FM
13-19 November
Conduct a media program on antimicrobial resistance: participation in two radio shows and two TV shows.
ReAct Africa is cooperating with the Ministry of Health and GARP-Kenya.
8 November
TV Interview with Collins Jaguga, ReAct Programme Officer, ReAct. On antimicrobial resistance.
13 November
Launch of World Antibiotic Awareness Week and policy documents – National Policy on Prevention and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance & the National Action Plan on Prevention and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. Procession from Uhuru Park to Kenyatta National Hospital. Materials disseminated to students, stakeholders and patients at the hospital.
14 November
Continuous Medical Education (CME) – Kabete Veterinary School. Materials dissemination to students.
15 November
Presentations on antimicrobial resistance to students at Kabete Veterinary School, Nairobi.
17 November
Continuous Medical Education (CME) – ReAct, EPN and Ministry of Health Kenya to make presentations to students on antimicrobial resistance at the AIC Kijabe Nursing School. Materials to be disseminated to students. Comic strips on antimicrobial resistance to be disseminated at Kibera slum through a group of elders in the area.
14 November
Media awareness about antibiotic resistance through airing on radio jingles and television adverts. Utilize existing platform of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) to create awareness in the community. Radio talk-show on antimicrobial resistance with opportunity for people to phone in for answers and questions.
15 November
Antibiotic Awareness Road Walk at OAUTHC using branded T-shirts, banners and posters to create awareness for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Advocacy and campaign for the responsible use of the antibiotics.
16 November
Conduct a hospital-wide symposium involving the teaching hospital and the university communities. Presentations on the results of a point-prevalence survey of antibiotic use (part of the current on-going Global PPS) as well as that of health-care-associated infections in Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC). This event will lead to the formal take-off of the Antibiotic Stewardship Committee at the OAUTHC. The committee will serve as a model of institutional stewardship on antibiotic use to other teaching hospitals in the country.
17 November
Secondary school outreach – involving debate and quiz competitions for selected secondary schools in Ile-Ife.
Contact for more information: Mercy Naitore
ReAct Asia Pacific
Photography contest for medical students across the state of Kerala. Students are asked to submit by 18 November.
15 November
Seminar for pharmacists at Christian Medical College, Vellore.
18 November
As a follow up of ReAct Asia Pacific’s civil society organizations workshop there will be a a meeting in Kerala this day.
20 November
Media training workshop, Trivandrum, Kerala.
22-23 November
Stall for the public on antibiotic use at Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Activities in Indonesia in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ministry of Agriculture and YOP.
8 November
Media workshop for raising awareness among journalists, Jakarta. Theme: The use of antibiotics in food sector can threaten the lives of human, animals and environment.
17 November
Radio talk shows on antibiotic resistance, Yogyakarta, Central Java. You can listen in at MBS radio station 1 pm local time.
18 November
Seminar for veterinary students at the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Central Java.
Seminar for poultry farmers, Solo, Central Java.
19 November
Street carnaval involving farmers and their family and community members in Solo, Central Java. Previous years the carnaval was held in Jakarta and Biak.
23 November
A day long workshop titled ‘March to Stop AMR’, organized by the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Agriculture,Thailand with DMDC as a co–organizer. With support from WHO, FAO and OIE. Dr Sujith Chandy, Head of ReAct Asia Pacific will present. Audience will be government officials, civil society, media. The workshop will be held in Bangkok.
Contact for more information:
Indonesia: Vida Parady
India and Malaysia: Satya Sivaraman
ReAct Latin America
26 October
Launch of the book Ampliando y Embelleciendo el Mosaico. This book is part of the ReAct Latin America series Reimagining the Resistance.
26 October-1 November
Radio campaign on antibiotics and food. Five radio stations will broadcast the messages in 11 provinces of Ecuador.
ReAct Latin America carry out the campaign “Antibiotics Off the Menu”, with help from the Ecuadorian Community and Educational Media Coordinator (CORAPE). ReAct Latin America want the small chicken producers and consumers in Ecuador to learn about the potential health risks coming from misuse of antibiotics while raising their animals.
17 November
Workshop for children. Awareness on bacteria, the microbiome and self medication, “Los Sauces” Cultural Center.
23 November
Book launch of “Tell Our Bac-Stories!”, 10 am local time, Universidad del Azuay.
A year of announcing this call, ReAct Latin America launches the book, with 20 stories on bacterial resistance. This initiative was an essential part of the Mother Earth, One Health, an international encounter in Argentina.
Participants: Students from the schools of Social Communication and Tourism.
24 November
Forum “Antibiotics and Food”, School of Engineering in Food of the Universidad del Azuay. A conversation with students.
Joint planning with the Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Activities with children involved in the research on the impact of the Alforja Educativa.
Share information material on antibiotic resistance, at Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, IESS. (Call to the media from the IESS and ReAct LA).
Coordination: ReAct Latin America and Infectious Diseases IESS Area.
Contact for more information: Arturo Quizhpe Peralta
Join conversation in social media (in Spanish): Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
Please visit us on Facebook or Twitter for more updates.
Other useful links
WHO during World Antibiotic Awareness week.
ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) during European Antibiotic Awareness day.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) during World Antibiotic Awareness week.