News and Opinions  –  2014

Ghana aiming for African agenda on ABR management by 2015

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20 January 2014

In February 2011, the Ghanaian Ministry of Health and ReAct jointly organized a two-day workshop in Accra, Ghana to explore options for the formulation of a national policy to address the emerging problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The meeting brought together a broad range of participants including MoH, academia, regulatory agencies, NGOs and resulted in the formation of a national working group on antibiotic resistance. This event marked the begining of a process that has now evolved into the creation of a Ghanaian platform of key stakeholders with respect to AMR to champion the agenda in country.


This platform has recommended a sub group to the Ministry of Health to draft the policy document to be presented to the Minister of Health for approval. The aim is that  by 2015 Ghana should have a sustained national agenda to respond to and manage effectively antibiotic resistance, and regulate antibiotic use.  The platform that  involves the WHO, INDEPTH, CSOs, universities, the ADMER project and the Ghana Ministry of Health, among others, may well become the platform for an African agenda on AMR management.

Read more on the Ghana AMR project website.