In the context of World AMR Awareness week ReAct arranges and participates in a mix of events and engagements such as: empowering communities meeting, photo and video competition, online campaigns, student webinar, launch of videos, interviews, a call for real life stories, exhibitions and much much more. During the week ReAct increases its engagement with key actors such as: policy makers, communities and their leaders, health care givers, students and civil society organizations.
Online, ReAct also joins the World Health Organization "Go-blue for AMR" campaign. You find all ReAct World AMR Awareness Week activities below.

ReAct goes Blue for AMR! Will you Go Blue for antimicrobial resistance?
Learn more about the WHO global color campaign for World AMR Awareness Week!
ReAct Africa
Release ReAct Africa and South Centr Conference Report!
The hybrid ReAct Africa and South Centre Conference held mid August had an attendance of 156 physical participants from 38 countries; reflecting registrations from 67 countries worldwide. The theme for the 3-day conference was: “Leave No One Behind: Advancing One Health Antimicrobial Resistance National Action Plans Implementation in Africa”. During World AMR Awareness Week ReAct Africa, South Centre and additional partners are releasing a report from the conference held in Lusaka, Zambia.
AMR Couch Conversation – round two
This is the second year ReAct Africa releases a series of seven short interviews featuring some of the key voices in the global health area of antibiotic resistance. The videos have thematic areas such as: One Health, youth engagement and media engagement. The interviews were recorded during ReAct Africa Conference in August this year and will be published on ReAct Tube on Youtube.
Student competitions in Kenya
Together with several partners ReAct Africa arranges the annual Kenya Youth Photo Essay & Short Video Competition. Students can submit their innovative ideas on preventing antimicrobial resistance.
In addition, the youth will also be challenged to participate in a social media contest and community engagement activities during World AMR Awareness Week 2023.
Youth webinar
17 November. ReAct Africa is partnering with the National Antimicrobial Stewardship Interagency Committee (NASIC) and other Kenyan stakeholders in a youth webinar with a theme similar to the World AMR Awareness Week 2023 global theme of “Preventing AMR together”.
Health week at Kabaele University
Through the ministry of health of Kaebale University, the ReAct Africa student champions will run a health week during which antibiotic resistance will be discussed for the entire day to both university and non university communities.
Church groups in Zambia
Church groups highly engaged in health in the community in the African region. ReAct Africa will arrange activities with a few church groups in Zambia in collaboration with the Zambia national AMR Coordinating Committee- to raise awareness on antibiotic resistance.
ReAct Asia Pacific
Release of film – a FAO collaboration
A five minute video about the FAO’s Farmer Schools in Zambia was produced with the technical support of ReAct, as part of the FAO-supported project titled, “Seeding and Scaling One Health Awareness and Action on Antimicrobial Resistance”.
The project involved collaboration between ReAct nodes in the Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America as well as the ReAct Strategic Policy Program and involved educational outreach activities, developing communication products and policy briefing documents on reducing the need for antibiotic use in food production and agriculture.
Media training in Indonesia
13 November. The Bangkok regional office for World Organizations for Animal Health (WOAH) and ReAct Asia Pacific is holding a media training in Surabaya Indonesia.
Meeting in Indonesia – WHO partner
23 November. Vida Parady, ReAct Asia Pacific, is facilitating a discussion funded by WHO. Participants in this meeting are key stakeholders from Indonesia.
Webinar – One Health Response to AMR
24 November. Half-day seminar/webinar on One Health Response to antimicrobial resistance. Organized by: College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University and ReAct Asia Pacific.
Seminar for teachers and parents
25 November. The Concerned and Caring Parents Foundation (YOP) will hold a seminar for teachers and parents on antibiotic resistance, this in Indonesia. ReAct is engaged in this activity.
ReAct Europe
Release of the report: Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action
26 October. The upcoming High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance at the UN General Assembly in 2024 will be a historic opportunity for the world to renew political momentum and commitment towards addressing antibiotic resistance.
Now ReAct releases the report “The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action” from the Uppsala Dialogue Meeting held earlier this year, on the road towards the High-level Meeting in September 2024.
Read more about the meeting and download the report.
9 November. ReAct Webinar: AMR High-level Meeting 2024: Mobilizing Collective Action.
Learn more about the webinar and look at recorded webinar.
16 November. Release of short film from the Dialogue Meeting arranged by ReAct and Uppsala University
European Commission – webinar with One Health focus
13 November. ReAct’s founder Otto Cars was one of the speakers at the One Health Conference arranged by the European Commission. Click to learn more about the One Health Conference.
Cancer and antibiotic resistance
16 November. ReAct’s Andrea Caputo presented at Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) virtual dialogue: Cancer patients are the primary victims of the superbug crisis
Click to learn more about the online dialogue.
Presentation when members of parliament and researchers visit Uppsala University
20 November. Kerstin Åkerfeldt, ReAct Europe will present on antibiotic resistance together with Uppsala Antibiotic Center as Rifo, Sällskapet Riksdagsledamöter och Forskare (Society of members of parliament and researchers) visits Uppsala University together with local and regional politicians to learn about Uppsala University research within the topics of antibiotic resistance, immigration and development research in low-and middle-income countries.
15 hour webinar free webinar with certificate: Tackling AMR in hospital settings
21 November. Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery is arranging a 15 hour webinar focusing on how to address antimicrobial resistance in hospital settings. A wide range of speakers are engaged and ReAct’s founder Otto Cars is one of them. Otto Cars will focus on: A global approach to tackle the AMR crisis.
Uppsala University Research Track Day
23 November. Mengying Ren, ReAct Europe – opening talk at Uppsala University Research Track Day 2023 on drug development and infections. The topic of the Track Day is “Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance and Advancing Antibiotic Drug Development”.
Click to learn more and register!
Community engagement series
During this fall, ReAct, Uppsala Antibiotic Center and Antibiotic Smart Sweden arrange a webinar and workshop series to learn more about how to engage communities and civil society groups in the global response to antibiotic resistance. The series consists of two webinars and one workshop.
Final activity in this series is a workshop that will be held at Uppsala University in Sweden on 29 November. There will be participants from across the globe and students at Uppsala University.
Listen to Uppsala Antibiotic Center podcast episode about community engagement that will be released during World AMR Awareness Week
Call for real life stories with GARDP
ReAct and The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP) put focus on real life stories from individuals affected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, professionals who notice that their work is affected by antibiotic resistance, for example in healthcare, and people acting on this global health challenge to keep the power of antibiotics – for a world with treatable infections.
ReAct Latin America
Press conference
13 November. Press Conference for World AMR Awareness Week. For local and national media, in order to publicize the activities to be carried out during the week.
Empowering Communities Meeting Series
The objective of the Initiative – “Communities Empowered to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance” – is to engage all sectors of society, but especially organized communities, in efforts to effectively tackle antimicrobial resistance. These events convene diverse voices and perspectives, promoting an open and engaging dialogue with the goal to improve the health of all. The meeting series is listed as WHO high-lighted events during World AMR Awareness Week.
3 November. One Health Meeting focusing on human, animal and environmental Health: “Our Planet, Our Health. Caring for the health of Mother Earth”. Objective of the meeting is to emphasize the importance of the One Health Approach to the AMR response through a guided dialogue.
15 November. Meeting on Food as Medicine – Healing bodies, lands and communities. Objective of the meeting is to share healthy food production, preparation and consumption practices in the region.
16 November. Community education and communication strategies to address antimicrobial resistance. The objective of this meeting is to share experiences, lessons learned, and innovative projects to increase awareness and learn how to better preserve antimicrobials in our communities.
17 November. Community Empowerment Hub meeting in Cuenca, Ecuador.
Click to learn more about Empowered Communities on WHO/PAHO website.
Haga clic para obtener más información sobre Empowered Communities en el sitio web de OPS (español).
Click to learn more on ReAct website
The initiative is a collaboration with PAHO/WHO and South Center.
7 public events in Cuenca, Ecuador
16 November. Launch of the “Smart Cities in care” proposal of antibiotics.
The idea is developed in order to make citizens aware of the proposal that arises from the need to create new and better practices that start from knowledge and experiences, to promote a healthier city.
16 November. Release of the Album and Work “Dancing with the Bacteria”.
The musical group Ensamble del Viento presents its work “Dancing with bacteria”, an artistic work of dance, music and theater that is combined with science to carry the message of the feeling of the tiny in human beings.
See the performance on Facebook.
18 November. Tierra Viva: Healthy Microbiome, Healthy Foods: Exhibition, open house to the public on healthy eating, community practices in health care, appropriate use of antibiotics, publications.
21 November. Bacterial poetry micro-workshop for planetary health: paths to good living.
22 November. Reactivating community health: Sample of socio-environmental short films. An exhibition.
23 November. Cultural day for health and life: Launch of the book Let’s make history, telling our stories.
21-24 November. Photography exhibition in defense of water, health and the community: Aguantanta.
More from "2023"
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- Workshop on community engagement on antibiotic resistance
- ReAct Asia Pacific: Youth engagement in India
- ReAct highlights World AMR Awareness Week 2023
- Latin America Empowered Communities: One Health meeting with diverse and hopeful voices
- Zambia: March for treatable infections during World AMR Awareness Week
- Release ReAct Africa Conference Report
- ReAct activities for World AMR Awareness Week 2023
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- Join ReAct webinar! AMR High-level Meeting 2024: Mobilizing Collective Action
- ReAct Report: Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action
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- Key takeaways from the ReAct Africa & South Centre Conference 2023
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- ReAct Latin America: Cycling as community engagement
- Statement by ReAct – in response to the EC adoption of the revised pharmaceutical legislation proposal
- Mitigating AMR using implementation research: a development funder’s approach
- High-level conference in Japan: Universal Health Coverage, pandemic prevention, preparedness & response and AMR in focus
- New UNEP report – spotlight on environment and AMR
- New publication! Equitable access to antibiotics: A core element for pandemic preparedness and response
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- New ReAct Expert Policy Brief: 5 key challenges and public not-for-profit solutions in early stages antibiotics R&D
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- Lancet article: Transferable exclusivity voucher: A flawed incentive to stimulate antibiotic innovation
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- Dr. Jaya Ranjalkar new Director ReAct Asia Pacific