26 November 2013
Two project proposals from ReAct/Uppsala University and Duke University have been selected among a total of 24, four from each of the WHO regional offices, for further consideration as part of the global pool of proposals within the WHO call for health research and development demonstration projects.
The two projects, written by Dr Anthony So, ReAct`s Strategic Policy Unit at Duke University´s Program on Global Health and Technology Access, with input from Dr Anna Zorzet, Assistant Director, are:
Building a Diagnostic Innovation Platform to Address Antibiotic Resistance (PDF, 1MB), and Establishing a Drug Discovery Platform for Sourcing Novel Classes of Antibiotics as Public Goods (PDF).
The demonstration projects will be chosen by the WHO Executive Board and World Health Assembly in January and May 2014, respectively, from a shortlist of projects selected by a group of experts at a global technical consultative meeting, which will be held on December 3-5 at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
There are also several other projects concerning antibiotics, confirming that finding new treatment options and diagnostics are a priority R&D area.
Read more about the WHO Health R&D Demonstration Projects.
Further reading
3Rs for Innovating Conserving Novel Antibiotics: Sharing Resources, Risks and Rewards. So AD, Ruiz-Esparza Q, Gupta N, Cars O. British Medical Journal, 2012
Towards new business models for R& D for novel antibiotics. So AD, Gupta N, Brahmachari SK et al. Drug Resistance Updates, 2011