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Two project proposals from ReAct/Uppsala University and Duke University have been selected among a total of 24, four from each of the WHO regional offices, for further consideration as part of the global pool of proposals within the WHO call for health research and development demonstration projects.
A week long gathering of health experts, academics, students and social activists from 22 countries around the world has called for an ecological and social approach to tackle the issue of antibiotic resistance.
Duke University and ReAct/Uppsala University are jointly organizing a workshop during the 5th World Heath Summit in Berlin on October 20-22 entitled: Innovating to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance: A Grand Challenge for a Complex System.
“I thought FTAs (Free Trade Agreements) were good for the country,” exclaimed Victoria, a second year medical student at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, a state university in the country. “I had no idea about the scope and implications these agreements can have on people’s lives particularly with respect to access to medicines,” she added.
Victoria was one of more than 30 participants at a recently convened Workshop on International Health and Antibiotic Resistance, jointly convened by Health Action International Asia Pacific, Third World Network, Penang and ReAct on April 27.
Delegates from around the world will gather in Cuenca, Ecuador from 15-17 November 2012 to take part in the first global meeting of ReAct´s CSO Project.
On May 22, in conjunction with the 65th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Ghana and Sweden co-hosted a high-level ministerial seminar to share national experiences of combating antibiotic resistance.
The seminar “Saving lives through cost-effective measures against antimicrobial resistance” addressed the growing health challenges the world is now facing due to the rapidly declining effectiveness of antibiotics.
The dearth of novel antibiotics poses challenges to the treatment of bacterial infection and points to shortcomings in the system of pharmaceutical innovation. In a recently published article in the British Medical Journal, ”3Rs for innovating novel antibiotics: sharing resources, risks, and rewards”, Anthony So and colleagues in ReAct present an analysis on what can be done to increase innovation.
The book, “The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance – Options for action”, launched by WHO on March 8, is the result of a collaboration between WHO and more than 50 international experts in the field of antimicrobial resistance where ReAct contributed with working group leaders and main authors of two of the chapters.
ReAct congratulates the organizers of the World Economic Forum for including an open discussion on the future of antibiotics at their annual event this year. The session ‘What if All Known Antibiotics Lost Their Effectiveness?’, to be held on 27 January 2012, is a timely recognition of the risk that bacterial resistance to antibiotics poses to the future of human health.
“There is an urgent need to make the impact of antibiotic resistance and the urgent need for research and development of new antibiotics more visible to policy makers and the public,’ says Prof. Otto Cars, Executive Director of ReAct.
The roundtable on antimicrobial resistance at the Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): “Antimicrobial resistance: No action today, no cure tomorrow”.
Dr. José Orozco from ReAct Latin America stated that we need an innovative, holistic approach, that includes social, economic, political, cultural, and geographical aspects, along with the active participation of the community and primary health care services.
To discuss the challenges in discovery and development of new antibiotics, ReAct organized the high-level meeting “Collaboration for Innovation – The Urgent Need for New Antibiotics” in Brussels on May 23rd.
ReAct partner The Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) has been running a campaign on public awareness about antimicrobial resistance since 2009.
In collaboration with ReAct and other organizations, the World Health Organization launches the campaign “Combat Drug Resistance” no action today, no cure tomorrow, on World Health Day, April 7, 2011.
ReAct welcomes you to watch the webcast of the opening session of “The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics – Moving towards Concerted Action” on Monday, September 6th starting at 13.00 CET.
In this issue of ReAct Quarterly:
– A Curriculum for Community Action on Antimicrobial Resistance.
– Antibiotic Resistance Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.
In a letter to the Transatlantic Taskforce on antimicrobial resistance, ReAct proposes potential directions for the Taskforce’s work, stressing the importance of addressing the issue as a global concern.
In this issue of ReAct Quarterly a certain emphasis has been placed on antibiotic innovation issues, not least in the article by Anthony So And Neha Gupta.
In this issue of ReAct Quarterly:
– Walking the Talk on Antibiotic Resistance in South East Asia.
– New Post-Graduate Program to Manage ABR in Latin America.
As of today, the health ministers of the 27 European Union member states have adopted council conclusions concerning innovative incentives for effective antibiotics.
– This is one of the single most powerful, concerted political takes on antibiotic resistance ever, comments ReAct director, Professor Otto Cars who has been deeply involved in the entire process leading up to the current state of affairs.
In this issue of ReAct quarterly:
– Launch of the “Fight AMR – Save medicines for our children” campaign at the WHA in Geneva in May.
– ReAct Latin America hosted successful seminar on infectious diseases and presentation of two new ReAct publications on antibiotic resistance.
In this issue of ReAct quarterly:
– Antibiotics – Access and Excess, editorial by Liselotte Diaz-Högberg, Deputy Director of ReAct. – Reports from the AMR Workshop in Tanzania in November and the Microbes and Metaphors meeting in Australia in December.
In this issue of ReAct quarterly:
– ReAct at the World Health Assembly, Geneva, 2008.
In this issue of ReAct quarterly:
– ReAct has launched a new website.
– ReAct activities.
– ReAct was active during the 60th World Health Assembly in Geneva held in May 2007.