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Educational materials

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Educational material

Course: Antibiotic Resistance – The Silent Tsunami

Understand antibiotic resistance and what actions are needed to address this increasingly serious global health threat: take this re-branded version of the course Antibiotice Resistance: the Silent Tsunami!

Educational material

The ReAct Toolbox

The ReAct Toolbox is a repository on antibiotic resistance that provides you with information, inspiration and guidance to take action. The Toolbox offers:

Updated information based on scientific evidence and experiences from practitioners, researchers and advocates.
Practical advice and examples from across the globe.
Links to useful external resources and tools selected by experts.

Educational materials

Alforja Educativa - Educational Knapsack

Alforja Educativa – The Educational Knapsack: Student Health and the Microbial World, is a teaching tool for the promotion of health and the development of ecological awareness. The Alforja aims to expand the knowledge about the microbial world, the proper use of antibiotics and bacterial resistance from an ecosystems perspective. It consists of illustrated activity guides and graphic, digital and audiovisual teaching materials. It is the collective result of work done by ReAct Latin America and partners during several years. This English version collects all the activity guides in one volume.

Educational materials

Dancing with bacteria

These booklets are part of the “Dancing with bacteria” series of publications aimed at raising public awareness about antibiotic resistance, prevention of infectious diseases, nutrition, food safety and medicine.
Food as Medicine (PDF, 6MB).
Food as Medicine II (PDF, 4MB).
Save the Pill for the Really Ill (PDF, 2MB).
Adventures in the Human Forest (PDF, 4MB).

Educational materials

Booklet series and posters - Take action on AMR

These Booklet series on taking action on antimicrobial resistance are a collaboration project between ReAct and the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN).

Booklet for Students in Primary school (PDF 1MB).
Booklet for Students in High School (PDF).
Booklet for Students in College and University (PDF).
Booklet for Communities (PDF).
Booklet for Farmers (PDF 4MB).
Booklet for Veterinarians and Vet-Students (PDF 2MB).

Educational materials

Comic Strips Booklets and poster/postcard

Poster, postcard and comic strips for action on antibiotic resistance.

AMR Poster (PDF).
AMR Postcard (PDF).

Comic strips booklet volume 1 (PDF 6 MB).
Comic strips booklet volume 2 (PDF 1MB).
Comic strips booklet volume 3 (PDF 2MB).

Educational material

No antibiotics in our food - game and poster

Learn more about animal agriculture and antibiotic resistance playing the game No antibiotics in our food. You can also use it as a poster.

Materiales españoles

Material educativo

Para más materiales en español - visite ReAct Latinoamérica

Para más materiales en español – visite ReAct LatinoaméricaAmerica.

Educational materials

Alforja Educativa

La Alforja Educativa “Salud Escolar y Mundo Microbiano”, un conjunto rico, diverso y armonioso de guías, canciones, cuentos y videos, fruto de un trabajo colectivo de varios años. La Alforja pretende ampliar conocimientos sobre el mundo microbiano, el uso adecuado de antibióticos y la resistencia bacteriana de una manera integral, desde la salud de los ecosistemas y el Sumak Kawsay.
La Alforja se renueva para más aventuras educativas.



Educational material

De los mas pequenos a los diminutos del planeta

Cuando un niño piensa en bacterias, probablemente piensa en los feos y despreciables gérmenes de los co- merciales de televisión: pequeños monstruos verdes y peludos que no son nada buenos. En realidad, las bacterias son un aspecto muy importante de la salud, y las bacterias ayudan al cuerpo a funcionar apropiadamente.
De los mas pequenos a los diminutos del planeta (PDF, 16MB).