Global Campaign - From people to leaders! Act on AMR NOW!  –  Sign the Global Call

Call for Global Action – From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW!

We, the global coalition of communities, civil society organizations, health professionals, patient groups, scientists, agroecologists, academic institutions, educators, artists, activists, and indigenous peoples’ representatives, unite to raise our voice and concerns over the threat that antibiotic resistance (within the broader context of Antimicrobial Resistance, AMR) poses to our collective sustainable development and well-being.

Building on the Latin American and Caribbean initiative “Empowered Communities to Tackle AMR” (1), we call upon governments to make strong political commitments at the UN General Assembly High-Level meeting 2024 on AMR and to recognize the important role of communities and civil society in the global response to AMR.

The UN HLM political declaration on AMR should:

  • Recognize AMR as a global health threat affecting all aspects of life worldwide, including human and animal health, economies, and ecosystems that could seriously jeopardise the achievement of several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
  • Highlight the disproportionate impact of AMR on populations in situations of vulnerability (including underprivileged, marginalized and displaced populations) and weakened health systems, calling for equitable responses to overcome barriers to quality care.
  • Within the broader context of AMR, stress the alarming data on the global burden of antibiotic resistance – resulting in over 1.2M deaths yearly and contributing to almost 5M deaths annually (2) – and that cost of inaction will further exacerbate poverty and inequality, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Acknowledge the global surge of AMR due to the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials, including antibiotics, in healthcare, animal husbandry, aquaculture, agriculture and untreated waste from drug production plants.
  • Acknowledge the indispensable involvement of communities and civil
    society in national and global AMR responses.

Requests to Member States and their key stakeholders worldwide:

  1. We urge Member States to set clear measurable targets to reduce the burden and spread of AMR, and monitor the progress towards set goals, including through community-led monitoring.
  2. We urge Member States to establish mechanisms that ensure a meaningful, inclusive, and transparent participation of communities and civil society in AMR governance and accountability.
  3.  We urge Member States to allocate the necessary financial and human resources to ensure the development, implementation and monitoring of One Health AMR national action plans (3), and to adopt a people-centered approach that can lead to more effective, equitable and sustainable interventions.
  4. We urge Member States to provide financial and technical support to civil society organizations and community-based and -led interventions, including for ensuring better aligned and informed policies and strategies.
  5. We urge Member States and international agencies to prioritize the identification of populations in situations of vulnerability and invest in participatory and tailored AMR policies and interventions for more equitable, effective and sustainable AMR responses.
  6. We urge Member States to ensure equitable access to safe water, sanitation, vaccines, timely diagnosis and effective antibiotics (and other antimicrobials), as well as to incentivize the development of rapid diagnostics and new treatments, and reinforce infection prevention, surveillance and control.
  7. We urge Member States to invest in the education of health professionals on AMR and those in One Health-related disciplines, including in-service training, as well as in school education and in youth initiatives, highlighting this group as key agents of change for the future.
  8. We urge Member States to enforce good practices and market regulations in the livestock, crops, and aquaculture sectors, including the ban of non-therapeutic antibiotic use (such as for growth promotion), implementing disease prevention and control protocols, and developing transparent monitoring and surveillance systems.
  9. We urge Member States to invest in (upgrading) waste management facilities and implement environmentally sustainable waste treatment measures and policies to prevent healthcare facilities, slaughterhouses, wastewater treatment plants and antimicrobial manufacturing plants from releasing antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistant pathogens/genes into the environment.
  10. We urge Member States to implement and support comprehensive AMR awareness, education and engaging communities’ activities, including through artistic initiatives, and to harness behavioral and cultural insights to design interventions that resonate with community values and norms.

Closing Statement:

We conclude with a message of gratitude, enthusiasm, and a call for the right to life and health. We affirm that holistic and equitable approaches to AMR, rooted in wide societal participation and global collaboration and solidarity, are the central elements in an effective response. United in diversity, we stand committed to address this global cause at the UNGA High Level Meeting 2024 on AMR.


(1) PAHO: Initiative: Communities Empowered to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

(2) Murray, C. J., Ikuta, K. S., Sharara, F., et al. (2022). Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis. The Lancet, 399(10325), 629-655.
(3) FAO, UNEP, WHO, and WOAH. 2022. One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026). Working together for the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment. Rome.