Global Campaign - From people to leaders! Act on AMR NOW!

From people to leaders: Act on AMR NOW! Online launch of Call for Global Action!

Join the global campaign to amplify the voices of communities and civil society in the global response to antimicrobial resistance. Sign the 'From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW!' call for global action!

Building on the Latin American initiative “Empowered Communities to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance ”, ReAct and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have facilitated the collection of key asks from communities and civil society worldwide as part of a Call for Global Action.

To commemorate the launch of the global campaign in April, an online event was held. The online event was filled with interesting panel discussions, the viewing of a short film, a Q&A with the audience and much more!

The event was a great opportunity to learn more about the global campaign and add your signature to endorse it. The signatures collected will be submitted along with the asks to Member States attending the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024.

Watch the full recording of the event here:


  • Welcome and introduction
    Pilar Ramon-Pardo, PAHO
  • Presentation of the Call for Global Action – From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW!
    Andrea Caputo Svensson, ReAct Europe
  • Panel discussion
    Mario Medegan – Mouvement Universel pour la Survie de l’Humanité
    Vanessa Carter – WHO Task Force of AMR survivors
    Nafis Faizi – Aligarh Muslim University

Moderator: Nathalie El Omeiri, PAHO

  • Q&A with audience
  • Short movie/cultural activity
    ReAct Latin-America
  • Concluding remarks
    Anna Sjöblom, ReAct Europe

Time and date

Date: Monday 22 April
Time: 14:00-15:15 CET
Language: English, with available translation in Spanish, French and Portuguese