The issue of antibiotic resistance is complex, and so are possible solutions to manage the situation. ReAct Europe provides up to date, high quality, scientifically credible information on antibiotic resistance and is hosted by Uppsala University, Sweden.
We provide up to date and high quality information on antibiotic resistance
ReAct Europe provides up to date, high quality, scientifically credible information on antibiotic resistance. Through continuous monitoring of the global issue, we review information about antibiotic resistance and related sectors such as global health, one health, and infection control. We then extract the most relevant and useful information and package it into formats that are suitable for actors in the field.
Our goal is to facilitate a global response to antibiotic resistance, paying particular attention to the needs of low-and middle-income countries.
Toolbox – a guide to facilitate action on antibiotic resistance
To make information accessible, ReAct Europe created the ReAct Toolbox. Here, we aim to guide the user on how to work with the issue, describe best practices and the processes that have led to successful interventions and change. If you are a policy maker, health care professional or work in civil society you will find much useful information in our Toolbox. As new information and resources emerge, we do our best to keep the Toolbox continuously up to date.
Support to governments and organizations
We support governments and organizations with our technical expertise and help them connect to useful partners in our extensive network.
In collaboration with the World Health Organization, we support countries in establishing National Action Plans using the Toolbox as one of the main resources. Read more on how we collaborated with Ghana in their efforts to create and implement a National Policy on antimicrobial resistance.
A catalyst for debate
ReAct Europe works to raise the profile of antibiotic resistance as a global issue. We act as a catalyst for debate by organizing high-level meetings as well as technical briefings. We aim to translate science into policy action and produce scientific papers, fact sheets and policy briefs to help achieve this aim.
An example of how we work via indirect advocacy is the report When the Drugs Don’t Work: Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Development Problem released March 2019. The report by ReAct and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation looks at the state of global development when the drugs don’t work and a post-antibiotic era sets in. The report shows how antibiotic resistance is a global development problem by highlighting existing data and people’s experiences.
Placing antibiotic resistance within the Sustainable Development Agenda
ReAct Europe contributed to link antimicrobial resistance and the Sustainable Development Goals. Our efforts helped incorporate antimicrobial resistance into the SDGs Outcome Document.
Global meeting to discuss: how should urgently needed work on antimicrobial resistance be funded?

In December 2018, ReAct Europe and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation convened a meeting to discuss funding for the global crisis of antimicrobial resistance. Participants came from a variety of organisations including national governments, multilateral and bilateral institutions, civil society organisations and academia. The meeting heard evidence from a number of low- and middle-income countries about the extreme difficulty in identifying funds for priority activities and finding people to act as AMR coordinators/focal points.
The meeting discussed the importance of delineating clear roles at global and country levels. In addition to global public goods functions, a role was identified for global catalytic funding to kick-start activities. AMR funding should also be integrated into existing programmes that work in relevant areas. The meeting resluted in a report: Antimicrobial resistance and sustainable development: A planetary threat but a financing orphan.
Contact ReAct Europe
Please, do not hesitate to contact ReAct Europe if you have further questions, need help or would like to cooperate.
Click here for all contact information.